Remote Collaboration


other chapters that should have been read before or content you should be familiar with before you read this

Prerequisite Importance Notes
None None Interest in facilitating or participating in remote collaborations


Remote collaboration refers to the ability to interact and work with others from anywhere in the world. Remote collaboration is extremely valuable for removing physical barrier in communication among members in a distributed teams who work remotely rather than being located in a physical office.

This chapter will help you understand the main aspects and the perceived pros and cons associated with remote collaboration. This chapter will also provide case studies from small and large teams for short and long collaboration or collaborative events. Finally, this chapter will also produce a comprehensive list of tools that are recommended for different kinds of remote collaborations.

| ![A person standing on a globe and interacting virtually with people in different time zones on different computer screens](/figures/distributed-collaboration.jpg)         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Illustration of Distributed Collaboration, The Turing Way Community, & Scriberia. (2020, March 3). Illustrations from the Turing Way book dashes. Zenodo. Co-designed by Malvika Sharan and Mateusz Kuzak at the Book Dash Feb 2020|

How this will help you/ why this is useful

Remote collaboration has gained popularity over the last years as more and more companies expand their business in areas far from the location of the main office (for example, Mozilla), or exist entirely as remote company (for example, RStudio).

In the early 2020, as we began to work entirely from home due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we experienced a drastic change in our work culture. This chapter will present resources and tips for researchers to make their transition of working from office (physical location) to working from home (online/virtual) easier, or make their collaboration more effective if they are already working remotely.